Till ca 40 bullar
-150 g smör eller margarin
-5 dl mjölk
-50 g jäst för söta degar
-1 dl socker
-½ tsk salt
-ev 2 tsk stött kardemumma
-850 g (ca 1.4 l) vetemjöl
-100 g rumsvarmt smör eller margarin,
-1 dl socker
-2 msk kanel
(jag gjorde en dubbel sats fyllning, sedan gjorde jag även några vaniljbullar där jag ersatte kanelen med vaniljsocker)
Till pensling:
1 ägg
Hackad mandel eller pärlsocker
1. Smält matfettet i en kastrull, tillsätt mjölken och värm till 37 C (fingervarmt).
2. Smula ner jästen i en degskål på 3-4 liter. Häll över degvätskan och rör om tills jästen löst sig. Tillsätt socker, salt och ev. kardemumma.
3. Mät upp mjölet. Häll det luftigt direkt ur påsen i ett litermått. Skaka inte måttet.
4. Tillsätt mjölet men spar ½ dl till utbakningen.
5. Arbeta degen kraftigt, ca 5 minuter med maskin eller 10 minuter för hand.
6. Låt degen jäsa övertäckt med bakduk ca 30 minuter.
7. Knåda degen smidigt på mjölat bakbord. Dela den i 4 delar. Kavla ut varje del till en avlång kaka.
8. Rör ihop ingredienserna till fyllningen och bred ut ett lager på kakan. Rulla ihop till en rulle. Skär rullen i ca 10 delar och lägg dem med snittytan uppåt i pappersformar eller på bakplåtspapper. Låt jäsa under bakduk ca 40 minuter.
9. Pensla och grädda bullarna mitt i ugnen i 250 C, 5-8 minuter.
10. Låt bullarna svalna en stund.
In English:
Last week I suddenly felt the urge to bake cinnamon buns. So I made a batch and put most of the buns in the freezer. They are great to have at home if you crave something sweet. I can't say I got any complaints here at home either..
In the photos you can see my new cake stand which I bought in Copenhagen for 36 danish crowns! What do you think?
Swedish Cinnamon buns
Makes about 40 buns
-150 g butter
-5 decilitres milk
-50 g fresh yeast
-1 decilitre sugar
-½ tsp salt
-2 tsp cardamom (optional)
-850 g (about 1.4 litres) all purpose flour
-100 g butter, softened
-1 decilitre sugar
-2 tbsp cinnamon
(I made a double batch of filling, and I also made some vanilla buns by replacing the cinnamon with vanilla sugar)
For decoration
-1 egg, lightly beaten
-Pearl sugar or chopped almonds
1. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the milk and heat until 37 degrees celsius.
2. Crumble the yeast into a large bowl. Pour the butter and milk mixture over the yeast and stir until the yeast is dissolved. Add flour, sugar, salt and cardamom (I prefer mine without the cardamom).
3. Work into a smooth dough, about 5 minutes with machine or 10 minutes by hand.
4. Cover bowl with a cloth and leave to rise for about 30 minutes.
5. Kneed the dough until shiny and elastic. Divide into 4. Roll out each part into a large rectangle.
6. Stir together the ingredients for the filling and spread on the dough. Roll each rectangle into a roll. Cut each roll into about 10 pieces and put in paper liners or on a baking sheet. Leave these to rise under a cloth for another 40 minutes.
7. Brush each bun with the egg and sprinkle with pearl sugar. Bake in the middle of the oven for about 5-8 minutes at 250 degrees C unitl buns are golden brown.
8. Let cool for a while.
Swedish Cinnamon buns
Makes about 40 buns
-150 g butter
-5 decilitres milk
-50 g fresh yeast
-1 decilitre sugar
-½ tsp salt
-2 tsp cardamom (optional)
-850 g (about 1.4 litres) all purpose flour
-100 g butter, softened
-1 decilitre sugar
-2 tbsp cinnamon
(I made a double batch of filling, and I also made some vanilla buns by replacing the cinnamon with vanilla sugar)
For decoration
-1 egg, lightly beaten
-Pearl sugar or chopped almonds
1. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the milk and heat until 37 degrees celsius.
2. Crumble the yeast into a large bowl. Pour the butter and milk mixture over the yeast and stir until the yeast is dissolved. Add flour, sugar, salt and cardamom (I prefer mine without the cardamom).
3. Work into a smooth dough, about 5 minutes with machine or 10 minutes by hand.
4. Cover bowl with a cloth and leave to rise for about 30 minutes.
5. Kneed the dough until shiny and elastic. Divide into 4. Roll out each part into a large rectangle.
6. Stir together the ingredients for the filling and spread on the dough. Roll each rectangle into a roll. Cut each roll into about 10 pieces and put in paper liners or on a baking sheet. Leave these to rise under a cloth for another 40 minutes.
7. Brush each bun with the egg and sprinkle with pearl sugar. Bake in the middle of the oven for about 5-8 minutes at 250 degrees C unitl buns are golden brown.
8. Let cool for a while.
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